The key concept here is rapid deployment. PEHTC, staff devotes a high level of personal attention to each purchase order being processed. Through phone calls and email, both vendors and clients maintain good communication. Questions are answered. Problems are solved. To facilitate project purchases, PEHTC, staff performs three key expediting functions:
- Sets & maintains reasonable expectations for purchase, bid, & delivery
- Ensures that delivery meets contract requirements, including schedules
- Visits sites, often unannounced, to ensure that vendors deliver quality items on time
Vendor Technical Support
PEHTC, works with and in support of vendors approved to provide materials and equipment for project owners. For the vendor, this means enhanced communication and rapid payment of invoices. For the project owner, PEHTC, manages approval of drawings, due-diligence related to design activities, and productive questions/answers among clients and vendors.
Receiving Reports
Reports take many forms, and can include:
- Site equipment tracking
- Photos
- Damage inspection
- Compliance to certified drawings
- Inspections
- Documentation of any problems
- Facilitation of problem solving
Vendor Compliance Audits
Years of procurement experience help PEHTC, staff know the vendor universe and which vendors can be expected to deliver quality at a good price. This experience is passed along to all PEHTC, clients.
The goal is to procure quality equipment that is cost-competitive and arrives on schedule. PEHTC, uses local vendors when it's practical, and also works with clients' preferred vendors when requested.
The PEHTC, auditing/verification process ensures that equipment is in compliance with design documents and will meet performance guarantees.
Cash Flow Projections, Monitoring, & Reporting
PEHTC, produces a cash flow projection over time as part of the capital expenditures reports generated for each project. A software program tracks monthly allocations of project capital in reference to the corresponding work schedule. The software can compare spending, work performed, work schedules, and other factors — to evaluate how well a project is proceeding.
Capital expenditure reports include such items as:
- Categories of expenditure
- Cost per category
- Schedule of what is going to happen & when
- Progress of each item on the schedule
- Tracking of all expenses to maintain the "big picture"
Budget-tracking software monitors and reports all aspects of financial activity in job-cost modules, as often as daily, using an interface that "talks" with data related to:
- Labor, materials, equipment, subcontractors, instruments, etc.
- Payroll
- Accounts receivable
- Accounts payable
The result is quick determinations of what is happening and what needs to happen. PEHTC, uses software that can run reports on past and future activities, including subcontractor reports.