Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company will complete projects throughout the US and internationally
States we're registered in
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennesse
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Mexico
- Saskatchewan, Canada
- Ontario, Canada
Our Offices
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
2894 61st StGet Driving Directions
Vinton, IA 52349 -
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Dayton, Ohio
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
1497 Shoup Mill RoadGet Driving Directions
Dayton, OH 45414 -
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Lombard, Illinois
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
2 E. 22nd St, Ste. 205Get Driving Directions
Lombard, IL 60148 -
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Omaha, Nebraska
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
3325 North 107th StreetGet Driving Directions
Omaha, NE 68134 -
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Pasadena, Texas
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
2616 East Pasadena Fwy
Pasadena, TX 77506
* Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company representatives inside partner office Get Driving Directions -
Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company: Houston, Texas
For Sales: (479) 765-1764
General Inquiries: (937) 260-4646
11150 South Wilcrest, Ste. 100Get Driving Directions
Houston, TX 77099
One of the recent projects designed and managed by our team is a seventeen-story hotel in Mexico. Our engineering staff was responsible for the structural steel frame, cast-in place foundation system, and precast concrete curtain wall. The steel was fabricated in the U.S., shipped to Mexico, and erected under the guidance of our structural engineering staff. With our experience in high-rise construction, our staff provided additional assistance to the architect/owner in procurement, materials selection, and construction procedures and sequencing.
Another international project that our structural team handled is a Corn Wet Milling plant in Saudi Arabia, for which PEHTC was responsible for process, mechanical, piping, structural, and electrical design.
PEHTC LLC and Paul Ewart Hi-Tech Company-NC Professional Services PLLC are affiliated entities also providing services in certain states.